Autism Service Dog Training
Birmingham, Alabama
Service dogs for autistic children can be a great relief for parents who need help managing their child's behavior. Autism service dogs can be taught numerous tasks, which can include:
Blocking: an intervention whereby the dog interrupts the child's pathway to block them from opening doors, grabbing items, etc. This can be of great use to multi-tasking parents.
Alert: signal to a parent when something is wrong, such as a child walking into the road.
Deep Pressure: recognize anxiety and give deep pressure during sensory processing difficulties. This proprioceptive tool helps to re-establish a sense spatial awareness and grounding. It is equivalent to a warm, cozy weighted blanket.
Grounding: through touch, the dog serves as a stable platform and presence that the child can pet or hold. Some children can benefit greatly from this tactile experience while in difficult situations.
Panic attack, meltdowns, & anxiety: recognize these conditions and engage the child to interrupt these behaviors. Pressure, blocking hands, licking, or other interventions can be used.
Other benefits can include enhanced social engagement and language skill development.
If you do not see your needed task listed here, please inquire and we would love to discuss building a customized training plan for you.