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Three Dimensional Dog
CANINE TRANSITIONAL STRESS: The psychology of processing change
As you hurry to pack for vacation, all the familiar implements of traveling come out of the closet -- the luggage, swim trunks, suntan...

Three Dimensional Dog
HOLD YOUR GROUND: Why it matters to dogs
Holding your ground is a leadership value that communicates across species that you are a confident and competent leader.

Three Dimensional Dog
The Leash Pulling Dilemma: Why Keep Slack in your Leash?
The tightness creates what's called an "oppositional reflex." This is an involuntary reflex on the part of the dog which resists your pullin

Three Dimensional Dog
What Happened to My Sweet Puppy?
Spring is an active time for the dog training industry. Why? It is not simply because the weather is beautiful and people like to train...

Three Dimensional Dog
Let's go outside and train your dog!
Our unique Family First approach emphasizes enrichment games and instruction that includes parents and children working together as a team.

Three Dimensional Dog
Help! My dog has too much energy.
An overly energetic dog is not in need of more freedom to "run their energy out." In most cases it is precisely that freedom which...

Three Dimensional Dog
Are Dogs Machines?
The belief that dogs are machines is still going strong today. This has given way to the pervasive belief that nothing exists inside...

Three Dimensional Dog
Giving Back
The power of canine healing: From addiction to recovery to spreading the faith. Success stories are what drive us. So you can imagine our...
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